1. Karpatkey, an on-chain fund management program, completed a $7 million financing; 2. Azura, a DeFi platform, completed a $6.90 million seed round of financing, led by Initialized; 3. DMM Crypto completed a new round of strategic financing, led by Neoclassic Capital; 4. Hata Digital Sdn Bhd completed a $4.20 million seed round of financing, led by Castle Island Ventures.
12:00-21:00 Keywords: Karpatkey, The Economist, Across, SEC 1. BlackRock Bitcoin ETF holdings exceeded 390,000 BTC; 2. Karpatkey, an on-chain fund management program, completed a $7 million financing; 3. BTC options contracts with a nominal value of $4.20 billion will expire this week for delivery; 4. The Economist magazine recently predicted that Trump will win the US Presidential Election; 5. CryptoQuant: Institutional holdings in the US Bitcoin spot ETF account for about 20%; 6. Across propos...
Karpatkey, a provider of on-chain money management solutions for DAOs, announced the completion of a $7 million funding round. Investors in this round include AppWorks Ventures and Wintermute Ventures, as well as a group of high-profile angel investors such as Joe Lubin of ConsenSys, Stani Kuchelov of Avara, and Fernando Martinelli of Balancer Labs. The newly obtained funds will be specifically used to expand Karpatkey's services to more DAOs and accelerate its expansion into traditional Financi...
为 DAO 提供链上资金管理解决方案的供应商 Karpatkey 宣布完成一轮 700 万美元的融资。本轮投资者包括 AppWorks Ventures 和 Wintermute Ventures,以及一批知名天使投资人,例如 ConsenSys 的 Joe Lubin、Avara 的 Stani Kuchelov 和 Balancer Labs 的 Fernando Martinelli 等。 新获得的资金将专门用于将 karpatkey 的服务范围扩展到更多的 DAO,并加速其向传统金融机构的拓展。
On July 5th, DAO financial exposure management company Karpatkey and on-chain autonomous optimization DAO fund solution Aera put forward a proposal for "strategic fund management on Arbitrum" in the Arbitrum community, proposing to establish Arbitrum strategic fund management group and DAO supervision committee, planning to manage 250 million ARB assets in the first phase, charging a 1% management fee.
On June 5th, GnosisDAO voted to split Karpatkey into a separate entity managed by KPK tokens. Since its launch, Karpatkey has managed over $2.60 billion in assets, providing risk management and on-chain financial services. According to Gnosis representatives, Karpatkey's clients include Uniswap, GnosisDAO, CoW, MakerDAO, Safe, and Arbitrum, among others.
6月5日消息,GnosisDAO投票决定将Karpatkey拆分为一个由KPK代币管理的独立实体。自推出以来,Karpatkey已经管理了超过26亿美元的资产,提供风险管理和链上金融服务。据Gnosis的代表称,Karpatkey的客户包括 Uniswap、GnosisDAO、CoW、MakerDAO、Safe和Arbitrum等。
Gnosis DAO voted to spin off karpatkey as a separate entity managed by KPK tokens. Since its launch, Karpatkey has managed over $2.60 billion in funds, providing risk management and on-chain financial services. According to a Gnosis representative, Karpatkey's clients include Uniswap, Gnosis DAO, CoW, MakerDAO, Safe, and Arbitrum, among others.
Gnosis DAO投票决定将karpatkey分拆为由KPK代币管理的独立实体。自推出以来,Karpatkey已管理超过26亿美元的资金,提供风险管理和链上金融服务。据Gnosis的一位代表称,Karpatkey的客户包括Uniswap、Gnosis DAO、CoW、MakerDAO、Safe和Arbitrum等。